Innovative, creative and delicious food at your door.
Innovative, creative and delicious.
If you’re craving for our dishes and want to enjoy them at home, we can deliver them for you! Just select your order from our menu below and we’ll deliver them to the comfort of your own home. You can enjoy healthy and quality meals without having the bother of cooking after a busy day.
All our dishes are freshly made and all you will need to do is to reheat them without compromise of quality (instructions provided). You can keep most dishes in the fridge for up to 5 days, and you can also freeze them to enjoy later.
Please note:
Our menu is carefully prepared during the week to supply the best of the classic French cuisine, and for that, our deliveries are carefully organised for Friday's only, although if you have a special request, don't hesitate to contact us.
All dishes are pre-cook, delightful healthy meals for you to enjoy up to 5 days.
If you require any further information regarding our services, feel free to contact us with your enquiries. Let us know how we can assist you:

Weekly Updated Menu's

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TEL: 020 37191894